Chemical Assessment Expert Certificate Renewal Training (KDU Renewal) (October 2024)

KDU Renewal May 2024 Training planned in partnership with TKSD and Mavi Yeşil Consulting, will be held face-to-face on 7-8-9 October 2024. 

Training Content:

-Management of chemicals


-Classification of Substances and Mixtures

-Chemicals - Risk Assessment for Human Health

-Chemicals - Environmental Risk Assessment

-Exposure Scenarios

-Question Solution Session Towards Examination

You can access the training content document here.

Who can participate in the training?

Individuals who have received 64 hours of KDU training;

-who want to brush up on their knowledge on this subject

-who are actively working in this field and whose KDU certificate renewal is due

You can find the TSE Registration Link for the Chemical Assessment Expert Certificate Renewal Training here.

You can contact TKSD by phone or via e-mail: +90 216 416 76 44 / 0541 245 19 86 /