The Chemicals Management Platform was established in September 2019 in order to support its members in matters related to the management of chemicals globally, especially REACH in the EU and KKDIK Regulation in Türkiye within the umbrealla of the Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association. The platform not only provides an area where our members can get information quickly about the chemicals management legislation, especially REACH/KKDIK, but also brings experts together from member companies with periodically organized meetings to work on the harmonization process with the current legislation.


Cefic Proposes 6 Actions To Modernise EU Legislation On Drug Precursors

The European Commission submitted a proposal to update the existing EU regulation on drug precursors.


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Cefic REACH Action Plan: Over 4,800 Lead Dossiers Updated Since 2019

Cefic has published the fifth annual report on its voluntary REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan showcasing the ongoing efforts to improve chemical data in REACH registration dossiers.


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Joint Industry Recommendations Launched on Assessment Of Regulatory Needs (ARN) Reports

The latest peer-to-peer communication aims to help other industry members by providing clarity on ECHA’s Assessment of Regulatory Needs reports (ARN).


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REACH Revision

How Can The REACH Revision Secure Future-Proof Products For Europe?


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Sharon McGuiness has become ECHA's new executive director

Cefic Welcomes The Election Of Sharon McGuinness As ECHA’s Next Executive Director


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Safe And Sustainable-By-Design

Safe And Sustainable-By-Design Is An Opportunity That Gives The Chemical Industry Direction


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Visit to the Department of Chemicals Management

Thursday, May 26, 2022 A visit was made to the Department of Chemicals Management (KYDB) of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change to convey the problems our industry is experiencing regarding the registration process within the scope of KKDIK regulation.


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Solvents Human Exposure Database

The European Solvent Industry Group (ESIG) is updating its Solvents Human Exposure Database, the largest available source of solvent exposure data.


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Cefic Calls For A Seat At The EcoDesign Forum

Cefic Calls For A Seat At The EcoDesign Forum To Help Position Europe As Leader In Sustainable Products


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Cefic Statement On The Restrictions Roadmap

The European Chemical Industry Council has published a roadmap statement on the restriction of chemicals.


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Cefic Statement On The Revision Of REACH

The European Chemical Industry Council has published a position paper on Cefic's REACH Revision.


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Safe And Sustainable-By-Design: A transformative power

Safe And Sustainable-By-Design: The Transformative Power Behind Circular And Climate Neutral Innovations


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Cefic Welcomes New Chemicals Management In Four African Countries

Cefic Welcomes New Multi-Stakeholder Project To Improve Chemicals Management In Four African Countries


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REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

Chemical Industry’s REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan To Provide More Transparency On Dossier Updates


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Visit to the Department of Chemicals Management

The Chairman of our Association, Mr. Haluk Erceber and Regulatory Coordinator Dr. Ali Şenol Gündoğan visited the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, General Directorate of Environmental Management, Department of Chemicals Management on 16 March 2022 regarding the regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (KKDIK).


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Cefic has released the 2021 update of the GHS application.

Cefic has published the 2021 update of the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) application


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AB REACH Mixture Assessment Factor

How to maximize the EU chemical industry's contribution to the REACH Public Consultation?


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Cefic, With ICCA, Applauds Ambitious UNEA-5 Actions

Cefic, With ICCA, Applauds Ambitious UNEA-5 Actions To Address Plastic Pollution, Sound Management Of Chemicals And Waste


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Advancing Chemical Compliance: EU REACH & KKDIK Forum

A total of 47 experts and senior executives from different public institutions and organizations on chemical legislation from Turkey and the European Union came together at the high-level roundtable meeting held under the title of Advancing Chemical Compliance: “EU REACH & KKDIK Forum” on 5th and 6th of July


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Cefic's Call to Action I REACH Registration Compliance Verification

A Call to action on compliance verification of REACH registration dossiers sent to national associations by Marco Mensink, Director General of European Chemical Industry Council


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TKSD's Meeting to Ministries of Trade and EUCC within the Scope of KKDIK Regulation

The meetings with both Ministies of Trade and EUCC have been realized within the scope of KKDIK Regulation, on March 23rd, 2023


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TKSD's Meeting with Ministry of Health within the Scope of Biocidal Products Regulation

Within the scope of Biocidal Products Regulation, a visit was made to the Environmental Health Department of the General Directorate of Public Health, Ministry of Health on March 23, 2023.


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Cefic Outlines Four Actions For Effective Revision Of The EU Classification, Labelling And Packaging Regulation - Clone

European Chemical Industry Council outlines four actions for effective revision of the EU CLP Regulation


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Regulation on concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals.

The Regulation on concerning the xxport and import of certain hazardous chemicals entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 28 January 2023 and numbered 320


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Revision Of The EU CLP Regulation: The Importance Of Making It Implementable

European Chemical Industry Council releases its latest position paper on CLP


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Data Sharing Guidelines have been updated within the scope of KKDIK.

Within the scope of the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (KKDIK), it was informed that the Data Sharing Guide regarding the sharing of data and costs required between multiple registrants of the same substance has been updated.


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New European Commission Study Confirms Chemical Recycling Is Better Than Incineration Of Plastic Waste

A new report published by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre comparative environmental and economic assessment of plastic waste recycling and energy recovery technologies.


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Cefic Statement On The PFAS Restriction

European Chemical Industry Council supports balanced regulatory measures on PFAS.


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Current Announcement on KKDIK Regulation

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has announced 2 new adjustment regarding the implementation of the KKDIK Regulation via KKS.


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Cefic Statement On The Publication Of The Delegated Act On CLP

European Chemical Industry Council presented its statement on the Publication Of The Delegated Act On CLP


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Making Safe-And-Sustainable-By-Design Framework For Chemicals Fit For Innovation

Under its Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, the European Commission pledged to develop a framework for safe and sustainable-by-design (SSBD) chemicals,


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Cefic Statement On ‘Safe And Sustainable By Design’ Chemicals And Materials.

Cefic Statement On The Publication Of The European Commission’s Recommendation Establishing A European Assessment Framework For ‘Safe And Sustainable By Design’ Chemicals And Materials.


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Cefic's call to replace Animal Testing

Cefic Calls On Stronger European Leadership To Ultimately Replace Animal Testing Supported By A Transition Roadmap


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Cefic Supports The European Commission’s Strategic Research And Innovation Plan

European Chemical Industry Council Supports The European Commission’s Strategic Research And Innovation Plan For Safe And Sustainable Chemicals And Materials


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An Urgent Need To Step Up Enforcement Of Chemicals Legislation For Imported Goods And Online Sales

There has been a four-fold increase of chemicals not compliant with the REACH legislation from products labelled with an “unknown” origin over just two years.


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CMP August 2022 Meeting Notes

Meeting Minutes of the Chemicals Management Network of Expert Group on Thursday, 11 August 2022


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ECHA Guide Documents have been translated into Turkish by the Department of Chemicals Management.

The Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has translated the guide documents published by the European Chemicals Agency and presented them to the information of the chemical industry.


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Chemicals Management Department Meeting Invitation

Within the scope of the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (KKDIK Regulation), the meeting on the problems faced by the leading and only representative companies in the registration process and solution proposals will be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.


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The Design Of Safe And Sustainable Chemicals Requires Collaboration Across The Board

The European Commission has published the joint report on the concept of Safe and Sustainable-by Design (SSbD) agreed by all participants of the High-Level Roundtable on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability on 18 May 2022.


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Revision Of EU CLP

Revision Of EU Classification, Labelling And Packaging Regulation: What Is At Stake?


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Key Pillars For Sound Management Of Chemicals And Waste Framework Beyond 2020

International Partnerships And Targeted Capacity Building on Chemicals


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Cefic invites Europe to take part in the EcoDesign Forum

Cefic Calls For A Seat At The EcoDesign Forum To Help Position Europe As Leader In Sustainable Products


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Cefic Statement On The Restrictions Roadmap

The European Chemical Industry Council has published a roadmap statement on the restriction of chemicals.


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Chemicals Management In Four African Countries

Cefic Welcomes New Multi-Stakeholder Project To Improve Chemicals Management In Four African Countries


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Cefic has released the 2021 update of the GHS Document

Cefic has released the 2021 update of the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) Document


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EU REACH Mixture Assessment Factor

Cefic supports targeted application of the European Commission’s Mixture Assessment Factor


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Cefic, with ICCA Applauds Ambitious UNEA-5 Actions

Cefic, With ICCA, Applauds Ambitious UNEA-5 Actions To Address Plastic Pollution, Sound Management Of Chemicals And Waste


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Avrupa Komisyonu

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals

12.08.2020 12.08.2020

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Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı

Kimyasalların Kaydı, Değerle​ndirilmesi, İzni ve Kısıtlanması Hakkında Yönetmelik

11.08.2020 11.08.2020

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Kaynak: Avrupa Komisyonu

Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures

10.08.2020 10.08.2020

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Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı

Maddelerin ve Karışımların Sınıflandırması, Etiketlenmesi ve Ambalajlaması Hakkında Yönetmelik

09.08.2020 09.08.2020

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Kaynak: Avrupa Komisyonu

Biocidal Products Regulations

08.08.2020 08.08.2020

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Kaynak: Sağlık Bakanlığı

Biyosidal Ürün Yönetmeliği

07.08.2020 07.08.2020

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