As TKSD, we participated in the 9th ISTANBUL CARBON SUMMIT organized by Prof. Dr. Filiz KARAOSMANOĞU at Istanbul Technical University on 6-7 May 2024.


Dear Members

As TKSD, we participated in the 9th ISTANBUL CARBON SUMMIT organized by Prof. Dr. Filiz KARAOSMANOĞU at Istanbul Technical University on 6-7 MAY 2024.

We present for your information the valuable presentations and experiences shared by very valuable participants within the scope of the following topics at the Summit...

Main Topics Highlighted at the Summit;

Why Green Transformation?

The place of carbon management in sustainable production

What needs to be done for a climate resilient industry

The importance of energy and waste sectors for a climate resilient Turkey

Correctly linking and implementing carbon management and climate crisis response

To learn the global developments of the Carbon Trading System (ETS)

Carbon markets today and tomorrow

Organizations' carbon management best practices

The interaction of the European Green Deal and carbon management

Climate finance and green banking developments

Turkey, European Union relevant legislation and United Nations developments

Risks & opportunities due to climate change

Complementary Topics;

SOCAR; Nefertiti Project; Innovative photo catalysts integrated into flow and photo reactor systems for direct conversion of CO2 AND H2O into solar fuels

SOCAR; Green Ammonia Production with 4D Hydrogen-Hydrogen project

SOCAR; New environmental biotechnology products in industrial wastewater treatment

SOCAR; Chemical recycling of waste plastics into refinery and petrochemical feedstocks

SOCAR; Sustainable aviation and transportation fuels from microalgae and direct solar PV technologies

MG INTERNATIONAL (GÜLÇİÇEK Kimya); Sustainability and Ethics Manager Selma Meydan METE provided information on Sustainability activities.

TURKUAZ POLYESTER; Ecovadis rating, Governance - Social-Environmental sustainability goals, sustainability investments, sustainability studies, sustainability strategies

GEBKİM; Sustainable production and a greener organized industrial zone, Chemical Industry Sustainability Vision

CFN Kimya; sustainability transformation management, sustainability goals, zero waste and environmental management, product development, energy management, process efficiency, carbon management focal points, SEZGİN BAYRAK Sustainability leader - R&D and quality manager

UNILEVER; Sustainability goals, climate transformation action plans, sustainability production investments in Turkey, energy saving projects,

FİBA RENEWABLE ENERGY; carbon management in renewable energy,

GALATA WIND ENERGY; climate change policy principles

İKMİB; Chemical sector data, Production, Exports and European Union Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism: Is Turkey Ready? The first 20 countries to be affected by the CCCM, Reported emissions will be subject to carbon pricing as of 2026, Priority sectors with high risk of carbon leakage,

Approximately 77% of the chemical sector's production is used as raw materials in the chemical and other sectors, while only 23% is made up of final products that can be sold to consumers. In addition, the chemical industry has a dragging effect on other branches of industry.


Sustainable Financing opportunities, environmental themes,

By 2030, the climate finance needed will reach $9 trillion, up from $8.1 trillion,

It is estimated to exceed USD 10 trillion every year from 2031 to 2050.

An analysis of global risks ranked according to their importance in the short and long term shows that climate and environmental risks are increasingly moving to the top.

The current climate change adaptation financing gap is estimated at USD 194-366 billion annually.


2053 investment amount required to reach the net zero target; annual investment expenditures; Turkey's required investment amount in the next 10 years is 251 billion dollars.

Total 851 billion dollars between 2033-2053.

The World Bank states that Turkey needs over 640 billion dollars of investment with today's net value in order to reach the net zero emission target in 2053.

BRSA; Share of loans for green transformation for 2022;

Corporate/commercial loans for activities related to emission reduction (renewable energy, energy efficiency, low emission vehicles) 3.9

Personal loans for activities related to emission reduction (energy efficient buildings, energy efficiency, low emission vehicles) 0.3

Corporate/commercial loans to fossil fuel related activities (mining, manufacturing, power generation, transportation, refining) 2.0