Amendment to the Regulation on Control of Medical Wastes (18.08.2022)

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has amended the Regulation on Control of Medical Wastes.


The Regulation on Control of Medical Wastes dated 22.7.2005 and numbered 25883 has been repealed; Medical Waste Control Regulation dated 25.01.2017 and numbered 29959 was introduced instead. With the amendment dated 18.08.2022, the main regulation dated 25.01.2017 has been updated.

** TCMA Information Note and Regulations containing Summary and Detailed information are available in the links below.

***TCMA Information Note

***Medical Waste Control Regulation (integrated with the amendment dated 18.08.2022)

***Regulation Amending the Regulation on Control of Medical Wastes-18 August 2022