Cefic Joins An Alliance Of Industries For A Hydrogen Market

Cefic Joins An Alliance Of Industries Calling For A Pragmatic Regulatory Framework For A Hydrogen Market


Cefic joins an alliance of 18 industry associations laying out recommendations for the European Commission towards securing large-scale availability of renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). To meet the EU Green Deal climate neutrality targets, sectors represented by the alliance crucially depend on RNFBOs supplied cost competitively and securely across Europe.

The joint statement highlights that achieving the RFNBO sub-quotas requires a safe investment environment and sufficient planning certainty for rapid scale up of RNFBOs, as well as other hydrogen derivatives and underlying technologies, as indicated across various EU strategies encompassing REPowerEU and the Renewable Energies Directive (RED). Meanwhile, overly restrictive requirements may have the opposite intended results.

The alliance therefore proposes a set of changes to the draft RED delegated acts which are necessary to enable the market ramp-up and fast decarbonisation.