Cefic Statement Ahead Of The Extraordinary Energy Council Of 30 September 2022

European Chemical Industry Council publishes its statement ahead of the extraordinary energy council of 30 September 2022


In the latest public statement, Cefic and the other energy intensive industries welcome the efforts undertaken by the Member States to solve the energy crisis in the European Union. However, more immediate and efficient measures are needed.

Ahead of the next Extraordinary Energy Council, we reiterate our call on European leaders to urgently introduce EU-wide measures aimed at:

  • addressing the impact of natural gas prices on industrial competitiveness;
  • disconnecting electricity prices from gas prices.

We also stress the need to prolong and review the Temporary Crisis Framework to adapt to the current circumstances. It must be more flexible and allow for fast approval of state aid.

Source: Cefic statement ahead of the Extraordinary Energy Council of 30 September 2022 - cefic.org