It is a watershed moment today as the UNEA-5 agrees on a global plastics treaty. As a member of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), Cefic fully supports a global agreement to end plastic waste in the environment and improve the circularity of plastic. The chemical industry can play a leading role in increasing the amount of recycled plastic by scaling up chemical recycling technologies.
NAIROBI, KENYA (March 2, 2022) – Members of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) joined delegates in Nairobi this week for the Fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5). ICCA, which represents global chemicals and plastics manufacturers, expressed its strong support for progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through several key resolutions focused on eliminating plastic leakage into the environment and strengthening chemicals management.
The following statement can be attributed to ICCA:
As manufacturers of innovative, life-enhancing products and technologies, the chemical industry is playing a unique role in overcoming our world’s sustainability challenges.
Kicking off a Legally Binding Agreement to End Plastic Pollution
In the lead up to UNEA-5, governments introduced multiple proposals to craft a resolution to address plastic waste in the environment. Those proposals brought thoughtful elements that led to the adopted resolution to launch negotiation of a legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution.
ICCA is pleased with the outcome and fully supports a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution. As an observer to the negotiations, we commend the governments that spent long days finding common ground to develop a meaningful resolution to address plastic pollution.
Specifically, the broad mandate of the resolution provides governments with the flexibility to identify binding and voluntary measures across the full lifecycle of plastics, while recognizing there is no single approach to solving this global challenge.
We appreciate governments for highlighting the significant role plastics play in society and for promoting sustainable production and consumption of plastics, from product design to environmentally sound waste management. Many of the tenets of the resolution align with ICCA’s 5 key elements for a global framework.
Promoting the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste, Development of New Science Policy Panel
ICCA applauds UNEA-5 delegates for adopting a resolution to ensure the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) continues to provide critical Secretariat support to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and an ambitious Beyond 2020 Framework. ICCA is a dedicated supporter of SAICM and urges the quick completion of an enhanced Beyond 2020 Framework to accelerate progress toward the global sound management of chemicals and waste.
ICCA will continue to step up our financial support of the Secretariat and projects intended to accelerate progress toward the SAICM objectives. By also extending the United Nations Special Programme for an additional five years, UNEA-5 delegates will help ensure financing is available for developing country projects to make progress on the SAICM objective.
ICCA also welcomes the resolution to create a Science Policy Panel (SPP) to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste, and to prevent pollution. A new SPP will be a valuable tool to help fill the scientific gaps and accelerate progress toward achieving the SAICM goals and the expected objectives of the Beyond 2020 Framework. It will also address other crosscutting issues to prevent pollution. ICCA will continue to engage with the Open-Ended Working Group as a stakeholder in the development of the SPP, while also further developing science on emerging issues.
International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) is an association of innovators, visionaries, solutions providers and product stewardship pioneers. Through ongoing innovation in chemistry and the constant improvement of safe chemicals management, the global chemical industry makes a significant contribution to a sustainable society: improving human health, protecting the environment, and delivering prosperity worldwide.