EU CBAM Q&A Document

On July 14, 2023, the European Commission published a document containing frequently asked questions and answers on CBAM on the EU website.


You can access the CBAM Questions & Answers document HERE.

Topics handled in the document:

- Why is the EU introducing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?

- How will CBAM work?

- How does CBAM interact with the Emissions Trading System (ETS)?

- Which sectors will be covered by the new mechanism and why were they chosen?

- Will CBAM apply to EEA countries?

- How is CBAM compatible with other ETS systems outside the EU?

- Transition Period

- What specific information needs to be reported by each sector covered by CBAM?

- CBAM reporting obligation?

- How is the CBAM report submitted during the transition period?

- Are there verification obligations during the transition period?

- Role of the European Commission?

- What is the competent authority?

- CBAM Temporary Registry?

- What obligations will customs representatives have?

- How will CBAM work in practice during the definitive period?

- What will be the role of the European Commission during the definitive period?

- How is a CBAM declarant authorized and what is the timeline for its authorization during the definitive period?

- How EU importers can ensure that they receive the information they need from their non-EU exporters in order to use the new system correctly

- From which countries will imports of goods be covered by CBAM?

- How to ensure the reliability of the information reported (e.g. on embedded CO2 emissions)

- What is the carbon price?

- How do I access the CBAM Registry in the final period?

- How can a CBAM report be submitted?

- What obligations will customs representatives have?

- Next steps...