EU27 Chemicals Sectors-Trade Analysis (2023)

CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council, shared its EU27 Chemical Sectors-Trade Analysis.


The EU27 Chemical Sectors - Trade Analysis (2023) report published by Cefic is available here.

Key Findings;

With €36.8 bn, the USA is by far the largest EU27 chemical export market (16.4%).

With €34.7 bn, China is the largest EU27 chemical import market (18.3%).

With €67.8 bn, the USA is the largest EU27 chemical trade market (16.4%).

With 12.0 MT, UK is by far the largest EU27 chemical export market (14.2%).

With 12.3 MT, the USA is by far the largest EU27 chemical import market (13.8%).

With 20.6 MT, UK is the largest EU27 chemical trade market (11.9%).