Climate Neutrality, Chemicals Safety, Safe and sustainable by design, Circular Economy, Climate Change and Energy, Sustainability
The chemical industry is committed to contributing to a green, circular and digital Europe. These objectives are also critical to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in the UN Global Agenda 2030. More transparency about our industry’s sustainability performance is crucial to ensure we are transitioning at the right pace. Yet without data, it is not possible to measure the progress of the industry.
With this in mind, Cefic has created a first set of indicators to measure the industry’s sustainability performance in four areas: creating a low carbon economy, conserving resources, moving towards a circular economy, and caring for people and planet. These indicators have been created to collect quality data, which can set a benchmark for future performance.
The work started in 2020 when Cefic looked into already existing appropriate Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs). Eurostat and the European Environment Agency proved to be relevant data sources, among others. The following step was to identify which ones were fit for use by the chemical industry. This list was then further refined – a process which will continue well into 2023 – based on the availability of data and identification of additional indicators.
We have now embarked on a pilot reporting project where we collect and collate data on SDIs for which data is currently missing at European level. We are open to engaging with EU policymakers to ensure we align our efforts with their data needs. Each year, we will include our findings in our webpage on SDIs, as well as integrate them into Cefic’s annual Facts & Figures report.