ICCA Has Published Trade and Economic Framework for Addressing Plastic Pollution

ICCA has developed a new paper entitled “A Trade and Economic Framework for Addressing Plastic Pollution”, in which the Council outlines economic and investment benefits of a trade facilitative approach, proposals for removing barriers to trade, and the role of the WTO among others.


Dear Members,

The Trade CCG and Plastics LG are pleased to inform you of the completion of a key part of ICCA’s advocacy strategy on trade and plastics, which can be found in the attached paper.

This paper is a follow-up from ICCA’s side event on trade at the June UN/ILBI meetings in Ottawa. The objective of the paper is to demonstrate a comprehensive, trade facilitating economic model to address plastic pollution. Most importantly, the paper outlines how the involved multilateral agencies (UN/ILBI, WTO, Basel, and other organizations) which are already working on options to address trade and plastics, can work constructively to support an economic model that supports governments’ overall national agendas of increasing trade & investment while delivering environmental solutions.

This paper has the potential to be a constructive approach to leveraging the unique expertise of each organization. The paper also serves as an opportunity to engage both environmental and economic government officials on a common approach based on industry engagement.

The Trade CCG in consultation with the Plastics LG plans to launch an advocacy strategy from this paper, including discussions with key officials from these organizations, country representatives, and other government and non-government organizations.

You may access the original paper here, for the Turkish version click here.