Key Pillars For Sound Management Of Chemicals And Waste Framework Beyond 2020

International Partnerships And Targeted Capacity Building on Chemicals


Our chemical industry fully supports the work of the United Nation’s Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) in its efforts to promote a global policy framework for sound chemicals management. The SMCW is a framework developed by SAICM to building basic chemicals management capacity in countries that need it most through, for example, promoting effective chemical legislative and regulatory regimes at the national level and promoting the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) to ensure that chemicals are labeled and handled safely.

On 29 August-2 September 2022 all UN members and observers gathered at the Fourth meeting of the intersessional process (IP4) on the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste (SMCW) beyond 2020 to look ahead and discuss how the SAICM framework should look. Speaking on behalf of Cefic and ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations), Servet Goren, Cefic’s Director of International Affairs highlighted the importance of partnerships and capacity building as a means to advance the SAICM goals:

“We join the broad consensus of stakeholders that the Beyond 2020 framework should continue as SAICM’s unique voluntary, multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral approach. The new framework should strive for meaningful partnerships aimed at delivering tangible progress on the ground. Capacity building and support for legal chemical management frameworks across all countries must be a primary focus of the new framework.”

The fundamental importance for countries to establish and enforce fit-for-purpose and fee-based legally binding chemical management systems was emphasized as a basis. Partnerships, including ICCA-led partnerships, were highlighted as an important means to close the gap between developed and developing countries to soundly manage chemicals. Also initiatives, like Responsible Care, are continuously expanding, offering digitalized and tailored support to improve safe chemicals management and environmental performance. We also welcome the creation of tools, like the Capacity Building Clearinghouse Mechanism, which matches specific country needs for concrete projects with financial means and expertise. We believe such platforms can provide can offer more ambitious and targeted support.

“We are convinced that partnering with like-minded stakeholders and defining win-win-win opportunities and concrete projects that serve the SAICM objectives is key.”

Read More About ICCA's Initiatives and View on the Beyond 2020 Outcome
