Low-Carbon Technologies Projects

Cefic has updated Low-Carbon Technologies Project Map with 50 new projects spanning recycling and CSS technologies.


The transformation journey of the European chemical sector never stops! As the chemical sector is heading towards the biggest transformation in its history, a broad array of technologies and solutions will be needed to support us going climate neutral, circular, digital, while transitioning to safe and sustainable chemicals.

We have updated Cefic Low-Carbon Technologies Project Map with about 50 new projects from Cefic members that span across all technologies., including 5 new projects on chemical recycling technologies, 7 carbon capture and storage (CSS) projects, and 19 new renewable & low-carbon electricity & PPAs projects.

These projects are at the core of the commitment of the sector to climate neutrality: despite a difficult economic climate, the chemical industry keeps moving along its transformation path. Check the progress of the sector, the newest projects and investments featured on our map and embark on this exciting transition pathway with us!